상품명 : 일사량측정기 Solar power meter SM206 ; Range 0.1~1999.9W/m²,0.1~1999.9Btu/(ft²-h)
모델명 : SM-206
원산지 : CHINA
브랜드 : BeatOne
Instruction Manual for SM206 Solar Power Meter
一、 Overview
Thank you for selecting our product. Before using this meter, please carefully read this Manual. It will instruct you on correct operation methods and simple examination and handling essentials so you can benefit from its advantages.
This meter is a precision instrument for measuring light intensity. It is used in solar radiation measurement, solar research, physical and optical experiments, meteorology, and agriculture. It can also be used to measure glass light intensity to verify glass properties. For example: Measurement of light intensity through vehicle windows.
二、 Features
♦ Selectable from two units: W/㎡ and Btu
♦ Peak value retention function
♦ Data retention function
♦ Measure directly without adjustment♦ Steadily measure for a long period
一、 Specifications
1. ♦ Resolution: 0.1W/m², 0.1 Btu/(ft²-h)
♦ Error range: ± [10%R+2dgts)] R ;readings
Temperature error: ±0.38W/m² / ℃ [ ±0.12 Btu/(ft²-h)/℃] deviation at 25℃
♦ Display: 4-1/2LCD display, maximum displayed numerical value 1999.9
♦ Shift: <±3% /year
♦ Overload display “OL”
2. ♦ Range: 0.1-1999.9 W/m², 0.1-1999 W/m², 0.1-1999.9 Btu/(ft²-h)
♦ Sampling time: 2.5t/s
♦ Operation temperature and humidity: 0°C to 40°C <80%RH
♦ Storage temperature and humidity: -10°C to 50°C <70%RH
♦ Dimensions and weight: 132(L) x 60(W) x 38 (H)mm
♦ Weight: approx. 150g
♦ Battery needed: 9V battery
♦ Battery operation life: Approx. 100 hours
二、 Description of the display
1. Peak value retention symbol
2. Data retention symbol
3. Displayed data
4. Decimal point
7. Low battery symbol
三、 Description of the keypad
1. : ON/OFF key
2. Photosensitive window
3. LCD display
4. W/B : Units W/㎡ and Btu selection key
5.HOLD Value retention key
四、 Operation
1. After installing the battery correctly, press to turn the meter on. It enters the measuring state. The LCD screen displays 00.0. The default unit after turning on is W/㎡.
2. Press “W/B” to select the unit W/㎡ or Btu, as desired.
3. Make measurements after unit selection. If the display on the screen is 399.0 or OL, it indicates the measurement will or already has overloaded. At this time, please key in R to switch the range. The range after switching is 1-3999 W/m²(or Btu/(ft²-h)).
4. If you need to read the maximum value in this measurement process, press “PH” first in the measuring state. The screen displays “PH.” Then conduct measurement. It can measure the peak value at this time and retain it. Press “PH” once again to exit the peak value retention function.
5. Press “DH” during measurement and the LCD screen displays “H” and the displayed value is locked at the same time. Press “DH” to exit the data retention function to continue measurement.
6. After the measurement is completed, press to turn the meter off.
五、 Battery replacement
1. When the battery voltage becomes too low, the low battery symbol “ “will appear on the screen, indicating that the battery needs to be replaced. If it is not replaced in time, the measurement accuracy will be affected.
2. Open the battery door and take out the battery.
3. Correctly install a new 9V battery.
4. If the meter is not used for a long period of time, please take out the battery to prevent damage to the meter from leakage of the battery.
六、 Precautions
1. This meter is a precision instrument. Please store it in the storage device provided with it. Avoid storing it in moist places.
2. Do not allow the meter to touch any live object to prevent damage to it.
3. Never clean or wipe the meter with any liqu
교환 및 반품 주소
- (15809) 경기도 군포시 흥안대로 27번길 25-1, 3층 (주)유성반도체 031-427-1718
교환 및 반품이 가능한 경우
- 계약내용에 관한 서면을 받은 날부터 7일. 단, 그 서면을 받은 때보다 재화등의 공급이 늦게 이루어진 경우에는 재화등을 공급받거나 재화등의 공급이 시작된 날부터 7일 이내
- 공급받으신 상품 및 용역의 내용이 표시.광고 내용과 다르거나 계약내용과 다르게 이행된 때에는 당해 재화 등을 공급받은 날 부터 3월이내, 그사실을 알게 된 날 또는 알 수 있었던 날부터 30일이내
교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우
- 이용자에게 책임 있는 사유로 재화 등이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우(다만, 재화 등의 내용을 확인하기 위하여 포장 등을 훼손한 경우에는 청약철회를 할 수 있습니다)
- 이용자의 사용 또는 일부 소비에 의하여 재화 등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
- 시간의 경과에 의하여 재판매가 곤란할 정도로 재화등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
- 복제가 가능한 재화등의 포장을 훼손한 경우
- 개별 주문 생산되는 재화 등 청약철회시 판매자에게 회복할 수 없는 피해가 예상되어 소비자의 사전 동의를 얻은 경우
- 디지털 콘텐츠의 제공이 개시된 경우, (다만, 가분적 용역 또는 가분적 디지털콘텐츠로 구성된 계약의 경우 제공이 개시되지 아니한 부분은 청약철회를 할 수 있습니다.)
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